Jason Pollen Presents

Jason Pollen grew up in New York, and has lived and worked in Paris, London, Zurich, and Chennai, India. But the internationally recognized artist, designer, and teacher — known for his fiber artwork and use of innovative techniques — has made Kansas City his home since 1983, when he accepted a one-year teaching appointment at the Kansas City Art Institute. It grew into the chairmanship of the institute’s fiber department until his retirement in 2010. Pollen, who continues to expand upon an impressive portfolio, discusses the Kansas City chapter of life and career in conjunction with an exhibit of his work, Unfurled, in the Library’s Guldner Gallery. It runs through November 2, 2014, and will be followed by a second exhibit of his art opening November 9. The exhibit is underwritten by Pam and Gary Gradinger.

Jason Pollen Presents

Date & Location