Tech Access | Partnership Application

tech access in green

By completing this survey, you are expressing interest in partnering with Kansas City Public Library's Tech Access team. You are also asserting that your audiences would benefit from digital literacy training.

This survey is 15 questions long, and should take 10-15 minutes to finish.

Please fill out this contact information about yourself and the organization for which you're requesting a partnership.

Answer the following questions to help Tech Access understand what kind of resources will be most useful to you and your organization's clients.

Looking at the options below, select as many as you believe would be useful to you, staff of the organization, and the clients you serve.
How many participants do you estimate would be interested in attending this event or events?
Select the scheduling option(s) that you would most prefer for your site.
Select as many as apply. If you have another preference, write it in the "Other" box.
Does your organization have a space where Tech Access events could be held?

Examples: meeting rooms, community rooms, computer labs, etc.

Does the space have devices set up already?

The mission of Tech Access is to promote equitable access to technology and provide digital literacy training to those who need it most. The following questions will help us determine what a partnership between our organizations could look like.

If you have not partnered with KCPL before, skip this question.