Gabo: A Love Letter

Gabo: A Love Letter

Presented By
Victoria Botero, Calvin Arsenia, Nilko Andreas, Amado Espinoza

His works, including the seminal One Hundred Years of Solitude, won the 1982 Nobel Prize for literature and resonated anew during the COVID-19 pandemic, when millions around the world were drawn to his universal themes of love, loneliness, and inescapable fate.

Gabriel García Márquez, the Colombian author affectionately known as Gabo, achieved the rare feat of being accessible to the common reader while satisfying the most demanding of sophisticated critics. In Gabo: A Love Letter, Kansas City soprano Victoria Botero leads an international ensemble of musicians, storytellers, and culture bearers in celebrating his transcendent writing. They blend traditional and classical music from Latin composers with narrated passages from García Márquez’s most famous novels, One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera.

The performance is part of Botero’s critically acclaimed Cecilia Series, which features the music of female and BIPOC composers, writers, and artists from the medieval to the modern era. Joining Botero, in dual roles as musicians and narrators, are guitarist Nilko Andreas, percussionist and flutist Amado Espinoza, and harpist and vocalist Calvin Arsenia.

Gabo: A Love Letter

Gabo: A Love Letter

Date & Location
In Person